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Intellectual Property

Intellectual Property

Andersen’s intellectual property (IP) lawyers in Egypt provide global advice on all assets related to intellectual and creative activity. Our skilled team handles both contractual aspects, such as transfer, assignment, and exploitation of rights, and defense, including legal protection and defense against infringements. We advise both individuals and corporations on non-material rights.

In the field of Industrial Property, the firm, supported by our intellectual property lawyers in Egypt, offers strategic and legal advice for the adequate protection of trademarks, other distinctive signs, inventions, and industrial designs, from the very moment of their creation through to their protection and defense against possible infringements by third parties.


General Advice

  • Contract Negotiation: Advice on the negotiation, drafting, and review of contracts for the assignment of intellectual property rights on all types of intangible assets (publishing, audiovisual, music, visual arts, computer programs)
  • Usage Advice: Advice on the use of the intellectual and industrial property of others
  • Action Plans: Advice on the preparation of action plans for the legal protection of intangible assets (works and services) of any nature
  • Tariff Negotiation: Negotiation of tariffs with collecting societies
  • Regulatory Guidance: Regulatory and contractual advice in the areas of advertising and sponsorship

Litigation and Pre-Litigation

  • Copyright Protection: Copyright protection
  • Proceedings Analysis: Analysis, preparation, and bringing of all types of proceedings in defense of copyright
  • Industrial Property: General advice
  • Signs Advice: Advice of all kinds on distinctive signs (trademarks, trade names, and appellations of origin/geographical indications), inventions (patents, utility models, supplementary certificates, plant varieties, and topography of semiconductor products), and industrial designs
  • Exploitation Advice: Advice on the exploitation of industrial property rights, including licenses of use and franchising
  • Proceedings Management: Administrative and judicial proceedings
  • Opposition Advice: Advice on possible opposition, requirements, and administrative appeals
  • Legal Appeals: Analysis, preparation, and filing of legal appeals and all kinds of proceedings in defense of industrial property rights

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