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Real Estate Tax Laws in Egypt

Real Estate Tax Laws in Egypt

This booklet provides an overview of Egypt’s Real Estate Tax Law No. 11 of 1991 and Income Tax Law No. 91 of 2005. It covers annual tax obligations for properties, including real estate tax, transaction tax, and wealth tax. Key sections include definitions, liable parties, tax rates, exemptions, and calculation methods, with practical examples to guide property owners and investors.

valuation symphony toolkit

Valuation Symphony Toolkit

The booklet outlines the fundamentals of valuation, including its definition, the importance of valuation in various business contexts, detailed descriptions of different valuation methods (such as market, income, and asset-based approaches), and practical applications in finance. It serves as an introductory guide for understanding how valuation affects business decisions and financial analysis.

Employment Law Guide

Employment Law Guide

Check our updated guide to Egyptian employment law by clicking on the link below. This book provides an overview of employer obligations and liabilities as per Labour Law No. 12 of 2003.


Technical Analysis of Personal Data Protection

The British University in Egypt’s Center for Law and Emerging Technologies “CLETs” has prepared a technical guide for Personal Data Protection Law No. 151 of 2020. The book consists of four sections, preceded by an introduction that gives an overview of the law. The first section discusses the conceptual framework of the law, the second section refers to the rights of the data subject and the conditions of processing; the third section refers to the obligations of data controllers and processors for data processing and protection, and finally, the fourth section focuses on the means of law enforcement.rn


Egypt Land of Opportunities 2019

This book is an economic guide on doing business in Egypt. The book explains Investment Law no. 72 of 2017, and the opportunities for investment which are available in the country, for example, investing in education, investing in real estate, investing in start ups, investing in agriculture, and investing in the oil and gas sector. The book also explains how to start a business in Egypt, and introduces you to the different types of companies that are available. This book was a combined effort between Andersen Tax u0026 Legal Egypt and the Ministry of Investment, and we would like to thank Sahar Nasr for all of the support she provided for the books. We hope that the book is useful for investors and will entice them to make new investments in our Egypt.


Corporate Governance

This book has been prepared by the professionals at Andersen Tax u0026 legal Egypt.rnThe contents of the book intend to describe the accounting and legal obligations imposed on joint stock companies after formation, to allow them to remain in operation in accordance with local regulations

Andersen, law & tax firm