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Maritime Law

Maritime Law

Andersen Egypt is a beacon among prominent maritime law firms in Egypt, championing the nuances of Maritime Law on both local and international scales with our maritime lawyers in Egypt. Our expertise in this specialized domain is reflected in our consistent achievements in complex maritime matters.

Maritime Law, given the prominence of marine trade routes and Egypt’s strategic maritime location, presents its own set of intricacies. Backed by a team of the most eminent maritime lawyers in Egypt, Andersen Egypt offers a deep understanding of maritime regulations and the challenges unique to the region.

Our approach is sculpted with precision. Every maritime case we engage with is treated with the utmost dedication, rigorous examination, and thoroughness. As one of the leading maritime law firms in Egypt, Andersen Egypt’s capability to handle profound maritime complexities stands unchallenged, converting challenges into benchmark successes.

By partnering with Andersen, you are ensuring alignment with a rich maritime heritage and an undeterred commitment to distinction. Our maritime lawyers represent the highest professional echelons, consistently delivering outcomes that our clients aspire to.

In the vast expanse of Maritime Law in Egypt, Andersen symbolizes trust, mastery, and unmatched success.


  • Maritime Consultations: Offering advice on marine-related disputes, trade, ship registration, and the impact of international conventions on Egyptian maritime laws
  • Ship Financing and Mortgages: Assisting clients in structuring ship financing deals, including the creation and enforcement of ship mortgages
  • Cargo Claims and Liabilities: Guiding clients through claims concerning cargo damage, loss, or delay, and ensuring that they understand their rights and potential liabilities
  • Environmental Compliance: Providing expertise on regulations concerning pollution prevention and control, ballast water management, and other environmental concerns in maritime activities
  • Ship Arrest and Release: Representing clients in cases where ships are arrested in Egyptian waters for various reasons, ensuring swift and favorable resolutions
  • Navigational Rights: Advising on rights concerning passage, particularly in strategic areas such as the Suez Canal
  • Maritime Insurance: Guiding clients on insurances related to maritime activities, including hull and machinery insurance, protection and indemnity insurance, and more
  • Port and Terminal Operations: Offering advice on regulations concerning the operation of ports and terminals, including liabilities, tariffs, and compliance with local and international standards
  • Representation in Maritime Disputes: Vigorously defending our clients’ interests, whether through arbitration or litigation, in cases related to maritime disputes
  • Regulatory Compliance: Assisting clients in ensuring their operations comply with both local maritime laws and international conventions to which Egypt is a party

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