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Commercial Law

Legal Alerts . November 6, 2023

The surge in globalization and technological expansion has ushered in an era where businesses are continually exploring optimal methods to bolster efficiency while curbing expenses..

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Legal Alerts AR . November 5, 2023

شهدت التجارة الإلكترونية في مصر نموًا ملحوظًا في السنوات الأخيرة، مما أدى إلى تحول كبير في العمليات التجارية وسلوك المستهلك.

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Legal Alerts . September 20, 2023

The legal landscape, mirroring the country’s complexity, demands rigorous due diligence, particularly for businesses aiming to establish or operate in the region.

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Legal Alerts . August 3, 2022

The sale of a third party’s ownership is an act exercised on someone else’s financial rights unlawfully; wherein an individual sells a specific movable...

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Legal Alerts . May 18, 2022

Sale contracts are legal instruments that are binding on the contracting parties, wherein each party becomes a creditor and debtor, respectively, to the other at the same time.

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