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Tax Alerts . February 5, 2024

Cross-border transactions, encompassing imports, exports, and cross-border services, play a vital role in the global economy. For businesses operating in Egypt, understanding the tax implications of international transactions is crucial to ensure compliance with local regulations and optimize their tax position.

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Tax Alerts . February 4, 2024

Egypt is taking significant steps towards nurturing a green economy and championing environmental sustainability. This commitment is evident through a comprehensive suite of tax incentives aimed at encouraging investments in green hydrogen projects.

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Tax Alerts . February 1, 2024

Egypt's growing economy has earned it the reputation of being the "land of opportunities." In this context, we aim to explore how investors, both domestic and foreign, can capitalize on these opportunities, with a particular focus on mergers and acquisitions (M&A) and their tax implications.

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Tax Alerts . December 17, 2023

KSA introduced a tax exemption package for regional headquarters for a period of 30 years includes a zero percentage of income tax on regional headquarters entities and withholding tax.

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Tax Alerts . December 14, 2023

In August of 2023, the tax appeal committees issued a decision to apply Article No. 3 of Law 30 of 2023 toone of the tax dispute cases at the Egyptian Tax Authority.

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