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Trademark Infringement in Egypt: Legal Remedies and Enforcement

Trademark infringement occurs when an unauthorized party uses a trademark that is identical or confusingly similar to a registered trademark, leading to consumer confusion and potential harm to the trademark owner’s brand. In Egypt, the legal framework governing trademark infringement is robust, aiming to protect the rights of trademark owners and ensure fair competition. This article explores the relevant laws, types of infringements, damages caused, legal remedies, and enforcement mechanisms in Egypt.

Relevant Laws Governing Trademark Infringement in Egypt

Trademark law in Egypt is primarily governed by the following legislations and agreements:

Law No. 82 of 2002 (Intellectual Property Law):

This law covers various aspects of intellectual property, including trademarks. It provides the legal basis for trademark registration, protection, and enforcement. It outlines the rights conferred upon trademark owners and the procedures for registering and challenging trademarks.

Ministerial Decree No. 770 of 2005:

This decree outlines the executive regulations for the implementation of Law No. 82 of 2002. It provides detailed procedures for trademark registration and enforcement, ensuring that the principles laid out in the law are effectively implemented.

Trade-Related Aspects of Intellectual Property Rights (TRIPS) Agreement:

As a member of the World Trade Organization (WTO), Egypt is bound by the TRIPS Agreement, which sets minimum standards for the protection and enforcement of intellectual property rights, including trademarks. This agreement influences the country’s trademark laws and practices.

Types of Trademark Infringements

Trademark infringement in Egypt can take several forms, including:

Direct Infringement:

This occurs when an unauthorized party uses a trademark that is identical or confusingly similar to a registered trademark on goods or services that are identical or similar to those for which the trademark is registered. This can mislead consumers into believing that the goods or services come from the trademark owner, causing economic harm and damage to the brand’s reputation.


Counterfeiting involves the production and sale of goods that bear a fake trademark identical to or indistinguishable from a registered trademark. This not only causes significant financial losses to the trademark owner but also poses risks to consumers, who may unknowingly purchase inferior or unsafe products.


Dilution occurs when a trademark’s distinctiveness is weakened through unauthorized use on dissimilar goods or services. Even if there is no direct competition or likelihood of confusion, the unauthorized use can tarnish the trademark’s reputation and reduce its value.

Passing Off:

Passing off involves a misrepresentation that leads consumers to believe that the goods or services offered by the infringer are associated with the trademark owner. This can cause harm to the trademark owner’s goodwill and business reputation.

Damages Caused by Trademark Infringement

Trademark infringement can cause various types of damages, including:

Economic Loss:

Trademark infringement can lead to a significant decrease in sales and market share for the trademark owner. Consumers may be misled into purchasing infringing products, diverting revenue away from the rightful owner.

Reputational Damage:

Infringing products, particularly counterfeits, are often of lower quality. When consumers purchase these inferior products, they may associate the poor quality with the trademark owner, leading to reputational damage and a loss of consumer trust.

Consumer Deception:

Consumers may be deceived into believing that they are purchasing genuine products from the trademark owner. This not only affects consumer satisfaction but can also pose safety risks, especially if the counterfeit products do not meet the same standards as the genuine ones.

Legal Costs:

Trademark owners may incur significant legal costs in pursuing infringement cases. These costs can include attorney fees, court fees, and expenses related to gathering evidence and enforcing judgments.

Legal Remedies for Trademark Infringement

The Egyptian legal system offers several remedies for trademark infringement, designed to compensate the trademark owner for losses incurred and to prevent further unauthorized use of the trademark.

Injunctive Relief:

Trademark owners can seek court orders by Egyptian courts to stop the infringing activities immediately. Injunctions can be preliminary (temporary) or permanent, depending on the case’s circumstances.

  • Preliminary Injunctions: These are temporary measures that prevent the infringer from continuing their actions until the court can make a final decision. They are often granted in urgent situations where the trademark owner can demonstrate a likelihood of success on the merits of the case and that irreparable harm would occur without the injunction.
  • Permanent Injunctions: These are long-term orders issued after a full hearing on the merits of the case. They permanently prevent the infringer from using the trademark.

Monetary Damages:

Egyptian courts can award damages to compensate for the financial losses incurred due to infringement. This may include:

  • Actual Damages: Compensation for the direct financial loss suffered by the trademark owner, such as lost sales and profits.
  • Lost Profits: Calculated based on the profits that the trademark owner would have earned if the infringement had not occurred.
  • Punitive Damages: In some cases, courts may award punitive damages to penalize particularly egregious behavior and deter future infringements.

Destruction of Infringing Goods:

Egyptian courts can order the seizure and destruction of counterfeit or infringing goods. This ensures that these products are removed from the market, preventing further damage to the trademark owner’s reputation and reducing consumer confusion.

Account of Profits:

In some cases, the infringer may be required to account for and surrender any profits gained from the unauthorized use of the trademark. This remedy aims to deprive the infringer of any financial benefit derived from their unlawful activities and serves as a financial deterrent.

Enforcement of Trademark Remedies

The enforcement of trademark remedies in Egypt is carried out through various mechanisms:

Judicial Enforcement:

Trademark owners can file civil lawsuits in specialized economic courts to seek remedies for infringement. These courts have jurisdiction over intellectual property cases and are equipped to handle complex trademark disputes.

  • Court Proceedings: Trademark owners must present evidence of infringement, such as proof of trademark registration and evidence of unauthorized use. Courts will evaluate the evidence and determine whether infringement has occurred.
  • Judgments and Orders: If the court finds in favor of the trademark owner, it can issue judgments and orders granting the requested remedies, such as injunctions and monetary damages.

Administrative Enforcement:

The Egyptian Patent Office (EPO) and other relevant authorities play a crucial role in administrative enforcement. They can conduct investigations, seize counterfeit goods, and impose penalties on infringers.

  • Investigations and Seizures: The EPO has the authority to investigate suspected trademark infringements and conduct raids to seize counterfeit goods.
  • Penalties and Sanctions: Administrative bodies can impose fines and other sanctions on infringers, providing an additional layer of enforcement.

Customs Enforcement:

Customs authorities in Egypt have the power to detain and seize imported goods suspected of trademark infringement. Trademark owners can record their trademarks with customs to facilitate this process.

  • Customs Registration: Trademark owners can register their trademarks with the customs authorities, enabling customs officials to identify and detain counterfeit goods at the border.
  • Detention and Seizure: When customs officials identify suspected infringing goods, they can detain and seize these items, preventing them from entering the Egyptian market.

Deterring Trademark Infringement

The Egyptian legal framework aims to deter trademark infringement through strict enforcement of laws and imposition of significant penalties. The combination of judicial, administrative, and customs enforcement mechanisms ensures that infringers face substantial consequences, thereby discouraging unauthorized use of trademarks.

Criminal Penalties:

The imposition of strict criminal penalties, including substantial fines and up to 2 years imprisonment for serious offenses, serves as a strong deterrent against trademark infringement. The legal system aims to make the cost of infringement significantly higher than any potential gains.

Collaboration with International Organizations:

Egypt collaborates with international organizations, such as the World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO), to strengthen its trademark enforcement mechanisms. This cooperation helps to address cross-border infringement and ensures that Egyptian laws are aligned with international standards.


Trademark infringement poses significant challenges for businesses and the economy in Egypt. However, the country’s legal framework provides protection for trademarks, offering various remedies and enforcement mechanisms to address and deter infringement. By understanding and utilizing these legal provisions, trademark owners can safeguard their rights and maintain the integrity of their brands in the Egyptian market.

Through diligent enforcement, Egypt can continue to build a business-friendly environment that fosters innovation, attracts foreign investment, protects intellectual property, and ensures fair competition in the marketplace.

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Written By

Joseph Iskander - Attorney-at-law

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