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Tax Alerts

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Tax Alerts . May 1, 2024

Tax audits are a fundamental part of financial regulation, ensuring that businesses adhere to tax laws and guidelines.

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Tax Alerts . May 1, 2024

Leasing is a fundamental and common expense to exercise any activity which is considered a deductible expense as soon as it is related to the activity and supported by documentation.

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Tax Alerts . April 24, 2024

As the global push for tax transparency and fairness gains momentum, transfer pricing regulations have tightened worldwide.

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Tax Alerts . April 23, 2024

Pillar Two rules ensure that large multinational companies pay at least a 15% minimum corporate tax rate in all the countries they operate in. This rule aims to prevent profit shifting to low-tax jurisdictions.

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Tax Alerts . April 21, 2024

As part of efforts to safeguard tax revenues from evasion or avoidance practices, the Egyptian tax legislator has introduced penalties for tax evaders and incentives for those who Whistleblowing tax evasion.

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