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Tax Alerts . June 4, 2024

As the evolving environment of investment in Egypt, there will be arising need to law amendment to face the new imposed issues in the investing changing circumstances that we would like to summarize as follows.

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Tax Alerts . June 4, 2024

In the evolving landscape of international taxation, the Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) has introduced two significant frameworks: Pillar One and Pillar Two.

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Tax Alerts . June 4, 2024

The Income Tax Law No. 91 of 2005 provides many benefits and exemptions for income derived from commercial and industrial activities or activities carried out by legal entities.

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Tax Alerts . June 3, 2024

In the realm of business, comprehending the intricacies of government grants and their accounting treatment is crucial for accurate financial reporting.

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Tax Alerts . May 30, 2024

In recent years, content creation has become a significant profession globally, including in Egypt. As the industry grows, understanding the tax implications for content creators is crucial for compliance and financial planning.

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