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Guide to Register a Trademark in Egypt

To register a trademark in Egypt is to take a significant step towards securing your business identity and intellectual property rights in a major commercial hub in North Africa.

This article provides a detailed overview of the process and the statutory framework established by the Egyptian authorities to facilitate trademark registration. With global commerce and digital expansion, the importance of safeguarding corporate trademarks cannot be understated, especially in a legally complex landscape.

Egypt’s Trademark Registration Framework

Egyptian trademark law, under Law No. 82 of 2002 on the Protection of Intellectual Property Rights, defines trademarks broadly to include names, words, symbols, and even colors that distinguish goods or services. These can be visual symbols that denote the source of goods or services, thereby differentiating them from those of others. This law ensures that trademarks, once registered, receive protection against infringement and unauthorized use, thus, safeguarding the brand identity.

Steps for Filing a Trademark in Egypt

I. Eligibility for Filing:

Both natural persons and legal entities, regardless of nationality, are eligible to file for a trademark in Egypt. This inclusivity extends to foreigners and foreign entities, which can register trademarks as long as they are from countries that are members of the World Trade Organization (WTO) or have reciprocal agreements with Egypt. This provision underscores Egypt’s commitment to international business norms and intellectual property treaties.

II. Detailed Filing Process:

The application for registration must be submitted to the Internal Trade Development Authority (ITDA), accompanied by necessary documentation such as images of the trademark, detailed product or service descriptions, and classification according to the Nice Classification.

Essential documents include a power of attorney, identity proof for individuals, and legal entity documents for businesses. For foreign applicants, additional steps are required for document legalization and translation into Arabic, adhering to Egypt’s legal standards.

III. Examination of the Trademark Application:

Once the application is submitted, the ITDA conducts a thorough examination to ensure that the trademark does not infringe upon existing registered trademarks or violate public order and morality. The examination process involves a detailed search of the trademark database to identify any potential conflicts with prior trademarks. This is crucial to prevent legal disputes post-registration and to ensure the uniqueness and distinctiveness of the trademark.

IV. Publication for Opposition:

After passing the examination phase, the trademark application is published in the official Trademarks Gazette. Publication invites the public and other businesses to review the proposed trademark. This transparency allows any party who believes that the registration of the trademark would infringe on their rights to file an opposition. The opposition must be filed within 60 days from the date of publication, providing a critical check against potential conflicts.

V. Handling Oppositions:

If an opposition is filed, the ITDA reviews the objections raised. The applicant then has the opportunity to respond to these objections, defending the uniqueness and legality of the trademark. This interaction ensures that all parties’ rights are considered before a final decision is made. If the opposition is resolved in favor of the applicant, the process moves forward to registration.

VI. Decision on the Trademark Registration:

If no opposition is filed, or if the opposition is successfully overcome, the ITDA proceeds to approve the trademark for registration. At this stage, a certificate of registration is issued, granting the applicant exclusive rights to use the trademark in Egypt for ten years, with the possibility of renewal.

VII. Appeals Process:

Should the trademark application be rejected, or if the applicant disputes the decision regarding an opposition, there is a provision for appeal. The appeal must be filed within 30 days from the notification of the decision. Appeals are reviewed by a higher committee or court, depending on the nature of the appeal, to ensure that all legal avenues are available for rectifying any potential errors in the initial decision-making process.

VIII. Final Registration and Certification:

Upon overcoming any oppositions and receiving approval from the ITDA, the trademark is officially registered, and a registration certificate is issued. This certificate serves as legal proof of trademark ownership and confers upon the holder exclusive rights to use the trademark in association with the goods or services listed in the registration. The registration is valid for ten years from the date of filing and can be renewed indefinitely for subsequent ten-year periods.

IX. Renewal of Trademark:

To maintain the protection and exclusivity of the trademark, the holder must apply for renewal before the expiry of the current term. The renewal process involves submitting a request along with the required renewal fee to the ITDA. Timely renewal is crucial as it prevents the trademark from lapsing and becoming available for registration by others.

X. Enforcement of Trademark Rights:

Enforcement is a critical aspect of trademark protection. In Egypt, trademark owners have the right to take legal action against any party that infringes upon their trademark rights. This includes unauthorized use of the trademark on or in connection with the goods/services it is registered for. Legal remedies may include injunctions to stop the infringement, and compensation for damages caused by the infringement.


Registering a trademark in Egypt involves a series of steps designed to protect intellectual property effectively. Understanding these steps – from application through to enforcement – ensures that businesses can secure and maintain their trademark rights comprehensively.

For continued protection and to leverage these rights effectively, trademark owners should be vigilant about renewals and enforcement, staying proactive against potential infringements.

Andersen Egypt, with our experienced and renowned team of Intellectual Property attorneys in Egypt, stands ready to assist with the trademark registration process as well as the enforcement against any trademark infringements.

To find out more, please fill out the form or email us at: info@eg.Andersen.com

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Written By

Joseph Iskander - Attorney-at-law

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