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Daily Archives:May 19, 2024

Andersen in Egypt’s Tax Newsletter for May 2024

Tax Alerts.By Developer. June 4, 2024

As the evolving environment of investment in Egypt, there will be arising need to law amendment to face the new imposed issues in the investing changing circumstances that we would like to summarize as follows.

Tax Strategies for Foreign Consulting Firms in Egypt Under Law 91

Tax Alerts.By Mohamed Abo Zaid. May 19, 2024

The global business landscape is increasingly interconnected, and taxation plays a crucial role in shaping investment and operational strategies, especially in emerging markets.

Digital Valuation: Transforming Business with Technology

Financial Alerts.By Yasmine elsedeik. May 19, 2024

In today's digital age, the valuation of digital assets and technologies has become increasingly important as organizations harness the power of digital innovation to drive growth, enhance competitiveness, and create value.

Future-Proofing Finance: Valuing Non-Traditional Assets

Financial Alerts.By Yasmine elsedeik. May 19, 2024

Valuation is an essential practice in finance and investment, traditionally focused on quantifying the worth of tangible assets, businesses, and financial instruments.

ارشادات للتطبيق العملي للآلية العكسية لحساب الضرائب وفق قانون الضرائب

Tax Alerts AR.By Developer. May 19, 2024

يستخدم نظام التكليف العكسي في المعاملات العابرة للحدود بين الشركات، حيث يقع مورد الخدمة في بلد مختلف عن العميل مستورد الخدمة.