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Daily Archives:May 13, 2024

Andersen in Egypt’s Tax Newsletter for May 2024

Tax Alerts.By Developer. June 4, 2024

As the evolving environment of investment in Egypt, there will be arising need to law amendment to face the new imposed issues in the investing changing circumstances that we would like to summarize as follows.

Financial Globalization: Driving Change in Financial Services

Financial Alerts.By Seif Abourram. May 13, 2024

The realm of financial services is experiencing a profound transformation propelled by globalization, often referred to as financial globalization

نظام الدفع المقدم: استراتجيه لإدارة الضرائب

Tax Alerts AR.By Ismaeel Mohamed. May 13, 2024

وفقا لأحكام القانون رقم ٩١ لسنة ٢٠٠٥ قانون الضريبة على الدخل في المواد (٦١) إلى (٦٥) نظام الدفعات المقدمة باعتباره نظاما اختياريا يكون بديلاً لنظام الخصم تحت حساب الضريبة.