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Cryptocurrency Mining in Egypt: A Legal and Economic Exploration

Egypt’s venture into cryptocurrency mining underscores both opportunities and regulatory hurdles in the evolving landscape of cryptocurrency in Egypt. This sector, ripe with possibilities for economic transformation, faces significant legal barriers that hinder its full exploration.

Cryptocurrency mining, if harnessed correctly, could revolutionize Egypt’s economy, introducing a new era of technological innovation and financial growth. Yet, this promising avenue is currently under the scrutiny of a stringent legal framework, notably Law No. 194 of 2020.

This comprehensive article aims to dissect these legal layers, shedding light on the multifaceted nature of cryptocurrency in Egypt. We delve into the legal, economic, societal, and environmental aspects, offering a thorough understanding of the potential impacts and challenges. The exploration of this topic is critical for understanding the future trajectory of Egypt in the digital financial landscape.

Legal Framework and Regulations:

In Egypt, the primary legal obstacle for cryptocurrency mining is Law No. 194 of 2020, which empowers the Central Bank of Egypt with extensive control over digital currencies. This law directly affects the legitimacy and operations of cryptocurrency mining and trading. It is a critical component of Egypt’s efforts to maintain financial stability and prevent illegal financial activities.

Alongside this, Egypt’s anti-money laundering regulations play a vital role in monitoring and controlling cryptocurrency transactions. These laws are designed to mitigate the risks associated with the anonymity of digital currencies. Consequently, individuals and entities interested in cryptocurrency mining in Egypt face a complicated legal landscape. Understanding and navigating these regulations is crucial for anyone looking to engage in cryptocurrency mining. The restrictive nature of these laws reflects the government’s cautious approach towards this emerging digital economy.

Economic Potential and Infrastructure Development:

Cryptocurrency mining harbors significant potential for economic enhancement in Egypt. It presents a novel opportunity for the generation of foreign currency, which is crucial for bolstering the national economy. The development of this sector necessitates advanced technological infrastructure, opening avenues for growth in tech industries.

However, these economic prospects come with their own set of challenges. The legal restrictions currently in place pose considerable barriers to the full realization of this potential. If these challenges can be navigated successfully, cryptocurrency mining could stimulate economic growth, create new job opportunities, and drive technological innovation. The demand for sophisticated technology and infrastructure for mining operations could accelerate Egypt’s digital transformation and completely alleviate its foreign currency shortage.

Environmental Concerns and Sustainable Practices:

The environmental impact of cryptocurrency mining is a significant concern, given the high energy consumption of mining operations. This presents an opportunity for Egypt to explore renewable energy sources as a sustainable solution. Adopting green practices in cryptocurrency mining could reduce its ecological footprint.

The integration of environmentally friendly technologies in mining operations is not just a necessity but also an opportunity for innovation. This approach could position Egypt as a leader in sustainable cryptocurrency mining practices. Addressing environmental concerns is essential for the long-term viability of the cryptocurrency mining industry in Egypt. Considering that Egypt already relies heavily on windmills and solar energy for power generation, cryptocurrency mining in Egypt could build upon and further strengthen the country’s green energy infastructure.

Global Context and Regional Comparisons:

Understanding Egypt’s position in the global landscape of cryptocurrency mining requires examining the approaches of other countries.

Several countries have embraced cryptocurrency mining, each with unique regulatory landscapes and economic outcomes. These global and regional examples offer valuable lessons for Egypt, highlighting different strategies and their impacts.

  • Libya’s Cryptocurrency Landscape: Libya’s approach to cryptocurrency mining capitalizes on its natural resources to power mining operations. This strategy presents an innovative use of national resources to diversify the economy and step into the digital financial arena.
  • Iran’s Cryptocurrency Strategy:Iran has adopted a state-backed model for cryptocurrency mining. This approach is part of a broader economic strategy to mitigate the impact of international sanctions and leverage digital currencies to strengthen the national economy.
  • USA’s Cryptocurrency Approach: In the United States, cryptocurrency mining and trading operate in a relatively open market environment. The country’s approach is characterized by a mix of state-level regulations and federal oversight, providing a framework that encourages innovation while aiming to protect consumers and the financial system. This balanced strategy has fostered a robust ecosystem for cryptocurrencies, making the USA a significant player in the global digital currency market.
  • Canada’s Cryptocurrency Environment: Canada’s approach to cryptocurrency mining is characterized by a regulatory framework that supports both innovation and consumer protection. The country allows cryptocurrency mining and has established guidelines to manage its operation, including energy consumption concerns and financial regulations. This environment has encouraged growth in the cryptocurrency sector, positioning Canada as a favorable location for digital currency enterprises. Canadian authorities balance the need for economic growth in the digital currency sector with measures to ensure financial stability and environmental sustainability.

Strategic Recommendations and the Road Ahead:

The path forward for cryptocurrency mining in Egypt requires a strategic approach. We recommend that the government partners with international entities in this sector in order to bring them into special economic zones in Egypt where they can undertake cryptocurrency mining activities. Such collaborations could help navigate the legal and economic challenges while leveraging the benefits of cryptocurrency mining. A well-balanced regulatory framework is essential to ensure the government can capitalize on this opportunity while maintaining control and stability.

This recommendation ensures that the Government need not to allow cryptocurrency to bemined and traded by the public, but will still capitalise on the specific companies that it partners with in Egypt. We believe that if this is implemented correctly, it could significantly allieviate Egypt’s foreign currency shortage. It is important to note that Bitcoin alone, which is one of many thousands of cryptocurrencies, saw miners extracting an average of $20 million worth of Bitcoin per day in 2022, amounting to approximately $600 million per month.


The journey of cryptocurrency mining in Egypt is a complex and multifaceted one, involving legal, economic, social, and environmental considerations. A nuanced and comprehensive approach is essential to capitalize on the potential benefits while mitigating the risks. By thoughtfully addressing each of these aspects, Egypt could position itself as a leader in the global digital economy, leveraging cryptocurrency mining for national growth and advancement.

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Written By

Joseph Iskander - Attorney-at-law

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