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تنبيهات قانونية

إقرأ التنبيهات القانونية بالعربى

إقرأ بالعربى

تنبيهات قانونية . مارس 16, 2022

A lease contract falls under the category of ‘beneficial contracts’ in which the lessor grants the right to a particular property to a lessee for a specified period, in exchange for a certain price.

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تنبيهات قانونية . مارس 8, 2022

Contracts are characterized by the’ principle of consent’, defined as the agreement of two or more natural or juristic entities, to enter into a binding legal relationship..

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تنبيهات قانونية . مارس 2, 2022

Increasing profit is the main driving force behind the continuity and diversification of companies’ activities. This in turn feeds back into each country’s GDP, in addition to acting as an incentive for entrepreneurs to continue investing, and for companies to increase their market share.

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تنبيهات قانونية . فبراير 22, 2022

The Real Estate Registration and Authentication Office is primarily responsible for retaining property ownership documents in a single register...

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تنبيهات قانونية . فبراير 15, 2022

Consumer protection is a set of laws governing consumer rights, and providing guidance to said consumer, with the overall purpose of minimizing any risks or factors that would lead to their deception and/or misinformation

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