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تنبيهات قانونية

إقرأ التنبيهات القانونية بالعربى

إقرأ بالعربى

تنبيهات قانونية . يونيو 8, 2022

One of the major problems facing the Tax Authority is the rise of fake companies, which issue fake invoices, despite being legally registered with the Tax Authority.

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تنبيهات قانونية . يونيو 1, 2022

Tax exemption is a departure from the general tax system and is one of the types of tax incentives designed within a country's fiscal policy framework. It involves the state waiving its right to impose and collect taxes on income subject to taxation based on social and economic considerations.

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تنبيهات قانونية . مايو 24, 2022

The power of attorney (POA) is established when an agent is obligated to perform a legal act for his principal, with the latter putting some or all of his property at the agent’s disposal in order to authorize him to manage it within the limits assigned to him.

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تنبيهات قانونية . مايو 18, 2022

Sale contracts are legal instruments that are binding on the contracting parties, wherein each party becomes a creditor and debtor, respectively, to the other at the same time.

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تنبيهات قانونية . مايو 10, 2022

Digital transformation is an undeniable goal at the forefront of every developing market’s agenda, as it aims to enhance, update, and develop all sectors and facilitate doing business.

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