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تنبيهات قانونية

إقرأ التنبيهات القانونية بالعربى

إقرأ بالعربى

تنبيهات قانونية . نوفمبر 30, 2022

A foreign judgment is a judgment issued under the name of a foreign country often regarding a private law issue (whether it is commercial, civil, or relevant to private personal status)

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تنبيهات قانونية . نوفمبر 16, 2022

The Will is a unilateral act that is delayed until death occurs. It transfers the ownership of a property to the beneficiary. In order for the Will to be valid,

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تنبيهات قانونية . نوفمبر 9, 2022

President El-Sisi agreed to grant investors the “Golden License”; which shortens all the regulatory requirements in a one-step approval that reduces time and effort.

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تنبيهات قانونية . نوفمبر 2, 2022

Recently, and at an accelerated pace, the Egyptian pound’s value has significantly depreciated against the Dollar.

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تنبيهات قانونية . أكتوبر 26, 2022

the Financial Regulatory Authority issued Resolution No. (107, 108) of 2021 regarding the regulations of disclosing environmental, social, and governance practices...

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