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تنبيهات قانونية

إقرأ التنبيهات القانونية بالعربى

إقرأ بالعربى

تنبيهات قانونية . يوليو 25, 2023

Setting up an offshore company can provide numerous benefits such as increased privacy, tax optimization, asset protection, and a reduction in bureaucracy.

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تنبيهات قانونية . يوليو 12, 2023

A statement has been issued by the Real Estate Tax Authority regarding new tax facilitations for the year 2023. The authority has set the deadline for the payment of the first installment of the annual property tax for residential and commercial property owners on June 30, without imposing any penalties, Payment of the second installment is also allowed during the period from July to December.

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تنبيهات قانونية . يونيو 15, 2023

The crime of theft typically occurs through negligence, whereas in the crime of theft by coercion, one of the tools of coercion is used to steal from the victim.

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تنبيهات قانونية . يونيو 7, 2023

one of the circles in the Court of Cassation referred the appeal of the litigant before it to the General Authority for Civil and Commercial Matters to resolve this difference and establish a unified principle.

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تنبيهات قانونية . مايو 29, 2023

Egypt's Citizenship-by-Investment program offers a host of advantages for international investors. Explore the advantages!

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