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Anti Bribery and Anti-Corruption Policy

At Andersen Egypt, we pride ourselves on maintaining the highest standards of ethical conduct and integrity in all our dealings. We believe that our clients, partners, and stakeholders deserve transparency and trustworthiness. This policy provides a robust framework designed to prevent bribery and corruption in all its forms and to assure our clients of our unwavering commitment to fair and ethical business practices.

I. Scope

This policy is universally applicable to all Andersen Egypt employees, board members, contractors, interns, third-party representatives, and anyone acting on our behalf, anywhere in the world.

II. Key Definitions

1- Bribery: The act of offering, promising, or giving undue advantage, monetary or otherwise, to influence an individual’s actions or decisions.

2- Corruption: Misuse of entrusted power for private gain.

3- Facilitation Payments: Payments made to expedite routine governmental actions, often seen as minor bribes.

4- Third Parties: Any external individual or organization we interact with, including clients, suppliers, consultants, and government entities.

III. Prohibited Practices

1- All Forms of Bribery: Both active and passive bribery are strictly prohibited, whether dealing with public or private entities.
2- Gifts & Hospitality: Misuse of entrusted power for private gain.
3- Facilitation Payments: All gifts and hospitality offered or received should be modest, transparent, and not influence business decisions. Gifts beyond a certain threshold ( 1000 USD ) should be reported to and approved by our Compliance Department.
4- Facilitation Payments: Andersen Egypt stands against any form of facilitation payments, even if perceived as a norm in certain jurisdictions.
5- Political & Charitable Contributions: Andersen Egypt will not seek business advantages through political contributions. Any charitable contribution will be transparent, non-obligatory, and without a conflict of interest.

IV. Due Diligence and Risk Management

1- Risk Assessment: Continuous evaluations are conducted to assess potential risks in the sectors and regions we operate.
2- Third-Party Vetting: Before entering business relationships, due diligence is performed to ensure partners uphold similar ethical standards. 3- Contracts & Agreements: All business contracts contain clauses ensuring our partners adhere to anti-bribery and anti-corruption principles.

V. Training, Communication, and Awareness

1- Ongoing Training: Andersen Egypt invests in regular training programs, ensuring that employees at all levels understand this policy and its implications.
2- Clear Communication: Through newsletters, meetings, and bulletins, we ensure that our anti-bribery initiatives are well-communicated internally.
3- Assuring Our Clients: Our commitment to ethical practices is prominently communicated across all client interactions and platforms, reinforcing trust.

VI. Reporting, Monitoring, and Enforcement

1- Regular Audits: Our Compliance Department conducts routine checks and audits to ensure adherence to this policy.
2- Whistleblowing: A confidential channel is established for reporting any policy breaches or suspicions, ensuring whistleblowers are protected from retaliation.
3- Strict Enforcement: Any violations will incur disciplinary actions, potentially including contract termination or legal actions.

VII. Feedback and Continuous Improvement

1- Annual Reviews: This policy undergoes a thorough review annually, keeping it aligned with global best practices and legal mandates.
2- Engaging Stakeholders: We actively seek feedback from clients, partners, and employees to refine and strengthen our anti-bribery initiatives.


At Andersen Egypt, our commitment to ethical business practices is unwavering. We view this not just as a legal obligation, but as a cornerstone of our reputation and long-term success. We invite our clients and partners to join us in upholding these standards and in promoting a transparent, fair, and honest business environment.

Andersen, law & tax firm