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Daily Archives:أكتوبر 26, 2021

Andersen in Egypt’s Tax Newsletter for May 2024

تنبيهات ضريبية.By Developer. يونيو 4, 2024

As the evolving environment of investment in Egypt, there will be arising need to law amendment to face the new imposed issues in the investing changing circumstances that we would like to summarize as follows.

Legal Alert 163 Audio

Legal Alerts Audio.By Developer. أكتوبر 26, 2021

The concept of confession is arguably one of the highest echelons of human rights and individual freedom, due to its role in determining criminal responsibility.

الاعتراف ليس دائما سيد الأدلة

Legal Alerts AR.By Developer. أكتوبر 26, 2021

الاعتراف ذو صلة وثيقة بحرية الفرد ، إذ يأتي في أعلى مراتب الحقوق الإنسانية نظرا لأهميته الكبرى في تحديد المسئولية الجنائية، ولذلك حظي بالعديد من الضمانات خشية أن يكون قد تم تحت إكراه

Confession Is not Always the ‘Master of Evidence’

تنبيهات قانونية.By Developer. أكتوبر 26, 2021

The concept of confession is arguably one of the highest echelons of human rights and individual freedom, due to its role in determining criminal responsibility. As such, it is governed and protected by numerous guarantees to ensure that it is not provided as a result of coercion.